

Message by
Dr Jyotsna Goswami

Immediate Past president

Dear Friends

Warm greetings to all the ISA members of Kolkata Society of Anesthesia!

I am humbled by the opportunity to serve as President of the Kolkata Society of Anesthesia; Kolkata City Branch of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, for the period of 2020-2021. I am deeply honored and want to express my immense gratitude for the support, trust and faith bestowed on me. It gave me a great sense of responsibility to serve one of the most vibrant and dynamic Metro City branch, as my predecessors have raised the bar very high. 

The period of my tenure was a dark period of COVID-19 pandemic. The entire world population had to face enormous challenges (i.e., social, environmental, health, and economic). The affected countries including India were trying to slow down the virus’s transmission through social-distancing, lockdowns, increasing the number of tests and treatment facilities.

This pandemic made people realize the importance of our fraternity, who were unsung heroes before! We got a coverage on the TIME magazine. Let us all maintain that position. Let us not compromise on our working conditions and ethics in any situation. This can happen only when we stand together united.

Kolkata Society of Anesthesia (KSA) worked very hard to provide support and distributed head gears to each member, who had endangered their own life and were tirelessly serving the community, be it in the operating room, ICUs or COVID ward.

KSA had also established itself as a Comprehensive Resuscitation Training Centre (CRTC) under the aegis of Indian Resuscitation Council and conducted many Compression-only-life- support (COLS) courses for various public organizations such as schools, colleges, police stations, clubs, corporate offices, residential societies etc. We had also conducted Basic Cardiopulmonary Life support (BCLS) and Comprehensive cardiopulmonary life support (CCLS) training session for doctors of various specialties, dentists, nursing and paramedical personnel.

We also tried our best to continue our academic activities in the era of social distancing and no meeting. We organized regular academic discussion on virtual platform and covered oncoanaesthesia, airway management, management of COVID patients etc. Series of ‘Case presentation by the PG students to the experts’ was a popular session. 

Overall this tenure of mine was full of activities in spite of many adversities, which I enjoyed thoroughly.

I convey my best wishes for all the future successful endeavors of KSA.

Long live ISA !!

Long live KSA !!