
Our Recent Programs

BCLS and CCLS at BR Singh Hospital by Kolkata society of Anesthesiologist. 48 delegates participated.

5th-6th November 2022

On 15th August Kolkata society of Anesthesiologist done COLS at Chitranjan National cancer Institute.100 of security guards and NIS people were trained.We had flag hosting and Plantation done.

15th August 2022

Conference Metrocon at Stadel

31st July 2022

Pocus workshop at CNCI

30th July 2022

Simulation workshop by ISA Kolkata metro city branch at Apollo hospital

30th July 2022

National CPR Week

23rd July 2022

Kolkata society of Anesthesiologist organized COLS at Liluah Railway officers club on 23-07-2022. More than 50 learned COLS.

Benches to Bedside online classes for PGT done weekly for 1 year during covid time

From 16th September 2020

First CCLS program at Tata medical centre

2nd February 2020

PPE kit distribution during covid

First Annual Conference

21 July 2019

Ether day celebration


First in Eastern India ToT and BCLS

21 -22 nd September 2019


17th July 2022

Considering the limitations in emergency medical services in India and the advantages of compression-only CPR, establishing COLS as a resuscitation algorithm for layperson/bystander is the need of the hour.